während ich auf alle bestellten Teile für meinen ersten TonUINO warte habe ich mir immer wieder die Frage gestellt: Wie macht ihr das eigentlich mit dem “Betanken” und dem Verwalten des Inhaltes Eurer SD-Karte(n)?
Vielleicht habe ich es bisher überlesen, aber die Vorstellung, Ordner und Dateien von Hand anzulegen und umzubenennen finde ich persönlich wenig praktikabel…
Deshalb habe ich die Wartezeit genutzt, um ein kleines Shell Script zu kreieren und hoffe, es findet Anwendung.
Bitte gebt gerne Feedback und/oder Verbesserungsvorschläge
# DESC: manage TonUINO sdcard
# INFO: https://www.voss.earth/tonuino/, Struktur auf der SD-Karte
# DEPS: depends on id3v2 tool/command
# VERS: v1.0 - 20190111 - Michi
# check dependencies
[ ! -x id3v2 ] || { echo "ERROR: command \"id3v2\" is not not found, please install dependency!" >&2; exit 1; }
# print out help/usage
function usage {
echo "Usage: $(basename "$0") [-h] || [-v] -l <path to sdcard> || [-v] [-n] -c <music folder> <path to sdcard>" >&2
echo -e "\t-h|--help show help/usage" >&2
echo -e "\t-v|--verbose show detailed information about executed commands" >&2
echo -e "\t-l|--list list content of sdcard based on ID3v2 tags" >&2
echo -e "\t-c|--copy copy content of music folder to sdcard, reflecting folder structure and naming convention" >&2
echo -e "\t-n|--num enumerate files mannually (e.g. in case of missing ID3v2 tags or mixed files" >&2
exit 1
# copy content of music folder to sdcard, reflecting folder structure and naming convention
function copy {
# validate source (directory, containing MP3 files) and destination (sdcard mount point)
[ ! -d "$SRC" ] || [ -z "$(find "$SRC" -type f -iname \*.mp3 2>/dev/null)" ] && { echo "ERROR: please specify a valid path to your MP3 files!" >&2; exit 1; }
[ ! -d "$DST" ] && { echo "ERROR: please specify a valid path to your sdcard!" >&2; exit 1; }
# determine next "free" directory on sdcard and try to create it
DN="$(printf "%02d" "$(find "$DST" -type d -name "[0-9][0-9]" 2>/dev/null | wc -l)")"
mkdir "$DST"/"$DN" >/dev/null 2>&1 || { echo "ERROR: can't create directory $DST/$DN" >&2; exit 1; }
# variable used for manual enumeration of files or files without ID3 tags
# loop over all MP3 files, convert filenames based on ID3 tag track number (if exists) or dedicated counter and copy to sdcard
find "$SRC" -type f -iname \*.mp3 -print0 | while read -d $'\0' -r FILE ; do
# try to get a valid track number and eliminate left hand zeros
# https://stackoverflow.com/questions/8078167/bizarre-issue-with-printf-in-bash-script09-and-08-are-invalid-numbers-07/11804275
FN="$(printf "%03d" "$(( 10#$(id3v2 -l "$FILE" | LC_ALL=C sed -ne '/TRCK/s/.*:[^0-9]*\([0-9]*\).*/\1/p') ))").mp3"
# use dedicated counter for filenames if the above command didn't succeed or manual enumeration has been forced (-n)
[[ $FN == "000.mp3" ]] || [[ -n $ENUM ]] && FN="$(printf "%03d" $CNT).mp3"
# be verbose
[[ -n $VERBOSE ]] && echo -n "cp $FILE $DST/$DN/$FN ... "
# try to copy file
cp "$FILE" "$DST"/"$DN"/"$FN" >/dev/null 2>&1 || { echo "ERROR: can't copy file $FILE to $DST/$DN/$FN" >&2; exit 1; }
# be verbose
[[ -n $VERBOSE ]] && echo "DONE"
# increase dediacted counter
exit 0
# copy content of music folder to sdcard, reflecting folder structure and naming convention
function list {
# validate source (sdcard mount point, containing MP3 files)
[ ! -d "$SRC" ] || [ -z "$(find "$SRC" -type f -iname \*.mp3 2>/dev/null)" ] && { echo "ERROR: please specify a valid path to your sdcard!" >&2; exit 1; }
# loop over all sdcard folders
for DIR in $(find "$SRC" -type d -name "[0-9][0-9]" | sort -n); do
# in verbose mode print detailed information for each file (artists, album, title if ID3 tags are available)
# or a summary per folder (artist, album if ID3 tags are available) otherwise
if [[ -n $VERBOSE ]]; then
# print directory name
echo "$DIR"
# loop over MP3 files
for FILE in "$DIR"/*.mp3; do
echo -ne "\t$(basename "$FILE") => "
# determine ID3 information and ensure output is ordered accordingly: artist, album, title
# ordering: prepend a number per tag, sort nummerically, remove prefixed numbers
# print it out finally
id3v2 -l "$FILE" | LC_ALL=C sed -ne '/TPE1/s/.*: \(.*\)/1Artist: \1/p;/TALB/s/.*: \(.*\)/2, Album: \1/p;/TIT2/s/.*: \(.*\)/3, Title: \1/p;s/.*\(No ID3.* tag\)/3\1/p' | \
LC_ALL=C sort -n | LC_ALL=C cut -c2- | LC_ALL=C tr -d '\n'
# line break after each file
# line break after each folder
# initialize array for ID3 information
# determine ID3 information for all MP3 files in the directory at once and ensure output is ordered accordingly: artist, album
# ordering: prepend a number per tag, sort nummerically, keep uniqe information only, remove prefixed numbers
# store the result in an array
while IFS=$'\n' read -r LINE; do
done < <(id3v2 -l "$DIR"/*.mp3 | LC_ALL=C sed -ne '/TPE1/s/.*: \(.*\)/1Artist: \1/p;/TALB/s/.*: \(.*\)/2Album: \1/p;s/.*\(No ID3.* tag\)/3\1/p' | \
LC_ALL=C sort -n | LC_ALL=C uniq | LC_ALL=C cut -c2-)
# if array holds exactly 2 elements, it has to be artist and album information, so print it out
# if array holds more than 2 elements, the directory contains songs of various artists and/or albums
# otherwise no ID3 tags were found
if [[ ${#ID3[*]} -eq "2" ]]; then
echo "$DIR: ${ID3[0]}, ${ID3[1]}"
elif [[ ${#ID3[*]} -gt "2" ]]; then
echo "$DIR: various artists/albums"
echo "$DIR: no ID3 tags available"
exit 0
# evaluate arguments provided on the command line
while [ "$#" -gt 0 ]; do
case "$1" in
-v|--verbose) VERBOSE=1;;
-n|--num) ENUM=1;;
-l|--list) CMD="list"; SRC="$2"; shift;;
-c|--copy) CMD="copy"; SRC="$2"; DST="$3"; shift 2;;
-h|*) usage;;
# MAIN - this is where the real work starts...
[[ $CMD == "list" ]] && list
[[ $CMD == "copy" ]] && copy
# print usage instruction if script has been called without any arguments