Ich werde hier neue Releases der Version 3 veröffentlichen. Dabei werde ich die neuen Features und die Bug-Fixes sowie die Besonderheiten, die bei der Installation zu beachten sind, bekanntgeben.
Wenn du benachrichtigt werden möchtest, wenn es ein Update gibt, kannst du dieses Thema beobachten. Das kannst du unten im Menü einstellen.
Das jeweils neueste Release kann hier github.com/tonuino/TonUINO-TNG zum selber compilieren runter geladen werden.
Wer nicht selber compilieren will, kann auch hier www.tonuino.de/TNG/ das neueste Release online uploaden.
Den aktuellen Inhalt der SD Karte kann man immer hier tonuino.github.io/TonUINO-TNG/sd-card.zip oder aus den Sourcen bekommen.
Aktuelles Releases:
Version 3.2.1 (23.11.2024)
- Issue 251: Changes to enable configuration of shutdown behavior
- Issue 250: Update the non-German texts for advert and mp3 tracks
- Issue 248: Add the possibility to change the antenna gain of the RFRC522 module
Version 3.2.1 (14.11.2024)
- Issue 246: With LKP Player there is no pling on startup
Version 3.2.1 (13.10.2024)
- Issue 238: Pololu sometimes does not switch off in sleep mode
- Issue 240: Some code restructuring
- Issue 239: Starting Quiz or Memory game the „pling“ is missing
- Issue 236: Improve hardware diagnostic on startup
Version 3.2.0 (05.08.2024)
- Issue 231: Fix logging of card data (bad order)
- Issue 229: playAdvertisement does not work for some DF Player
- Issue 228: NeoPixel for two Rings with Sleep modification card: no update on one ring
- Issue 226: Use MegaCoreX as Board package for Nano Every instead of Arduino megaAVR Boards
- Issue 225: Support Nano Every with Atmega4808
Version 3.1.12 (22.08.2024)
- Issue 222: Fix bug: TB modification card ends active game modification card
- Issue 220: New shortcut for switching BT on/off
- Issue 219: Disable modification cards during quiz and memory game
Version 3.1.11 (31.07.2024)
- Issue 212: Sleep Timer Modification card doesn’t work properly with NeoPixel Ring
- Issue 215: New optional Feature: Support BT Modul
- Issue 217: Improve and fix handling of some DF Player
Version 3.1.10 (27.06.2024)
- Issue 210 : Make text in the admin menu for switching volume button more clearer
Version 3.1.9 (05.06.2024)
- Issue 207: Use poti for setting the volume: add threshold to prevent continuously switching volume
- Issue 205: Implement the game „Feuer, Wasser, Luft“ as modification card
Version 3.1.8 (26.04.2024)
- Issue 202: Enhance modifier card SleepTimer to stop only after the track finished
- Issue 200: Add possibility to use Pololu-Powerswitch for shutdown
- Issue 196: Enhance Hoerbuch_1 mode to play more tracks
- Issue 197: SPECIAL_START_SHORTCUT: pin A6 cannot be read digital on Nano
Version 3.1.7 (11.04.2024)
- Issue 193: Hoerbuch mode: after playing last track it does not change to first track on next start
- Issue 190: Neo Pixel Ring: Add the possibility to have 2 rings remains
- Issue 188: Pause when card removed modus: do not go to Play via button if card is not present
Version 3.1.7 (29.03.2024)
- Issue 184: #define DONT_ACCEPT_SAME_RFID_TWICE makes the error: ‚class Tonuino‘ has no member named ‚getCard‘
- Issue 181: Implement battery voltage measurement
- Issue 180: Play special shortcut on startup if a GPIO is set
- Issue 056: Implement headphone jack detection
- Issue 178: Use Nano Every optional with HW Serial connection to the DfPlayer
Version 3.1.7 (25.03.2024)
- Issue 182 : Quiz game: do not repeat a question until no question remains
Version 3.1.7 (01.03.2024)
- Issue 176: Implement the memory game
Version 3.1.6 (18.02.2024)
- Issue 173: Improve Rorary Encoder implementation (also for NANO and optional for next/previous)
- Issue 135: Make new variants available for online upload (3 butonn variants)
Version 3.1.6 (12.02.2024)
- Issue 167: Save the last played card in EEPROM and restore it at startup
- Issue 155: Implement a Quiz Game
Version 3.1.5 (30.01.2024)
- Issue 166: Issue_166: generateRamdomSeed() does not generate a random value
- Issue 165: ‚Play last card‘ does not work as ShortCut
- Issue 162: Prepare optional feature ROTARY_ENCODER for Nano Every
- Issue 160: Improve the description for platform.io in the Readme
Version 3.1.5 (12.12.2023)
- Issue 153: Some improvements of the DF Player handling
- Issue 149: Add possibility to reset the current track on hoerbuch mode
- Issue 148: New handling of prev and next button on first and last track
- Issue 147: No or bad saving of current track in hoerbuch mode when using prev, prev10 or next10 button
Version 3.1.5 (07.12.2023)
- Issue 143: With some players the start of a track stutters or goes into pause
- Issue 142: Restart last playback if Play/Pause pressed
- Issue 141: Enhance Features for Neo Pixel Ring
Version 3.1.5 (21.11.2023)
- Issue 132 : Support DF Player MP3-TF-16P V3.0 with the chip MH2024K-24SS
Version 3.1.4 (20.11.2023)
- Issue 138 : Two new options for when the same RFID card is inserted
Version 3.1.4 (16.11.2023)
Version 3.1.4 (29.10.2023)
- Issue 125: platform.local.txt on MacOS
- Issue 126: Support Speaker on/off for Classic Variant to suppress Noise on startup and shutdown
- Issue 123: Setting of pauseWhenCardRemoved not disabled when upgraded from Version 2.x
Version 3.1.4 (13.10.2023)
- Issue 117: Support potentiometer for setting the volume
- Issue 120: Change to version 1.2.2 of the DFMiniMp3 library
- Issue 118: In modus pause_if_card_removed no shortcut is played
Version 3.1.4 (03.10.2023)
- Issue 115 : Sometimes initial SetVolume does not come to an end
Version 3.1.4 (20.09.2023)
- Issue 103 : Deploy pages for online upload
Version 3.1.4 (19.09.2023)
- Issue 111 : TonUINO crashes if if the player gives a track count >255
Version 3.1.4 (17.09.2023)
- Issue 108 : Issue 108: Missing OnPlayFinished: the progress is not saved for Hoerbuch mode
Version 3.1.4 (14.09.2023)
- Issue 106 : Support LISP3 DF Player
Version 3.1.4 (08.09.2023)
- Issue 100 : Support Nano Every with classic HW
Version 3.1.4 (07.09.2023)
- Issue 104 : Use bad framework-lgt8fx
Version 3.1.4 (25.08.2023)
- Issue 099: Use new DFPlayer Mini Mp3 v1.2.1 Library
Version 3.1.3 (03.08.2023)
- Issue 073: Support LED or NeoPixel Ring
Version 3.1.3 (16.07.2023)
- Issue 095: React on 3x3 Button Board also in Play State
- Issue 088: Flash reset during startup should not open the admin menu
- Issue 039: No pause if card is removed too early
- Issue 091: Revise configuration part of the file constants.hpp
- Issue 093: location for platfrom.txt on macOS does not exist
Version 3.1.3 (09.05.2023)
- Issue 079: Support DF Player GD3200B
Version 3.1.3 (08.05.2023)
- Issue 085: Bad audio message on writing card if card is already present
Version 3.1.3 (23.04.2023)
- Issue 069: Enhance serial input as command source to jump into menu entries
- Issue 075: Optimize Memory (RAM and FLASH) usage
- Issue 082: Speed up VolumeUp/Down when using longpress
- Issue 070: Revise modification cards
Version 3.1.3 (07.04.2023)
- Issue 076: <<Phopp>> sound at poweroff
- Issue 072: Support Rotary Encoder KY-040 for setting the volume
- Viele Fehlerkorrekturen und Verbesserungen
- Issue 019: Implement support for the 3x3 Button board
Version 3.1.2 (03.03.2023)
- Issue 062: Add offline TTS coqui to text_to_speach
- Issue 067: Add a hint in the admin menu that the card has to be removed
- Issue 065: Increase dfPlayer_timeUntilStarts
- Issue 061: Fix pin assignment for classic with 5 buttons
- Issue 054: For classic variant: the shutdownPin should be HIGH on shutdown for the POLOLU switch
- Issue 050: Cards with bad version handled as modification cards
- Issue 038: Bad initialization of setting ‚pause when card removed‘
- Issue 039: No pause if card is removed too early
- Issue 028: Revise Button behavior